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    今天分享Xi Jinping主席





    Your Excellency President Michel Temer,
    Your Excellency President Jacob Zuma,
    Representatives of the Business Community,
    Ladies and Gentlemen,
    Dear Friends,
    Good afternoon! It is my great pleasure to have all of you with us in the beautiful city of Xiamen, renowned as the “Egret Island”【白鹭岛】.

    The BRICS Summit【金砖国家峰会】 will be held tomorrow. On behalf of the Chinese government and people and the people of Xiamen, and also in my own name, I warmly welcome all of you to the Business Forum. Xiamen has been a trading port since ancient times as well as a gateway of China’s opening up and external cooperation【对外开放与交流的门户】.

    Embracing the vast ocean, the city has hosted visitors from around the world. On a personal note, Xiamen is where I started off when I came to Fujian Province to take up a new post in 1985. Back then, being one of the earliest special economic zones 【经济特区】in China, the city was at the forefront of China’s reform and opening up【改革开放】 endeavor and was brimming with【充满】 development opportunities.

    Three decades later, Xiamen has become well known for its innovation and entrepreneurship, with burgeoning new economic forms and new industries, robust trade and investment and easy access to the world with air, land and sea links. Today, Xiamen is a beautiful garden city with perfect harmony between man and nature.

    There is a popular saying here in southern Fujian, “Dedicate yourself and you will win,” which embodies an enterprising spirit. Xiamen’s success is a good example demonstrating the perseverance of the 1.3 billion-plus Chinese people. In close to 40 years of reform and opening up, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, we Chinese have forged ahead, fearless and determined, and we have successfully embarked on a path of socialism with distinctive Chinese features【中国特色社会主义道路】.

    We have encountered difficulties and challenges on the way forward. But we have persevered and kept pace with the times. With dedication, courage and ingenuity, we are making great progress in pursuing development in today’s China.





    Ladies and Gentlemen,
    Dear Friends,
    BRICS cooperation has now reached a crucial stage of development. In assessing its performance, it is important to bear two things in mind: the historical course of global development and evolving international landscape and the historical process of development of the BRICS countries, both individually and collectively, in the context of which BRICS cooperation is pursued.

    We are in a great era of development, transformation and adjustment. Although conflict and poverty are yet to be eliminated globally, the trend toward peace and development has grown ever stronger.

    Our world today is becoming increasingly multipolar【世界趋于多极化】; the economy has become globalized; there is growing cultural diversity; and the society has become digitized. The law of the jungle where the strong prey on the weak【弱肉强食】 and the zero-sum game【零和博弈】 are rejected, and peace, development and win-win cooperation have become the shared aspiration of all peoples.

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