• DreamerChen     #Ted-ed#批判思维五步法(学习笔记)

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》


    1. Every day, a sea of decisions stretches before us.我们每天都要做大量的决定
    描述某物很多时如果习惯用a lot of/a number of甚至many,可以学习这里的表达“a sea of”,意思是无限的,很多的,一(量词叠词<如张张,片片,连起来就是一张张/一片片>),联系我们中文里的“海量”是不是觉得很形象呢?
    2. We are bombarded with so many decisions,that it‘s impossible to make a perfect choice every time. 我们被太多事情轮番轰炸,所以不可能每次都作出完美的选择。这句话中的” bombarde”是炮击轰击的意思,也作“像炮击似的”,所以be bombarded with就是被轰炸或者理解为被包围。下次形容自己为许多工作/作业忙得焦头烂额的时候就可以用这个表达~
    3. This is a way of approaching the question,that allow us to carefully deconstruct the situation. 这是一种走进问题本身的方法,可以让我们仔细地抽丝拨茧剖析现状。
    deconstruct v.解构(文学作品等); 拆析;分析;消除(如果挑词出来讲,一般是依据科林斯里星级1~2的不常用单词,并且是在文中的意思,延伸意思就不会多贴出来)
    4. Reveal hidden issues,such as bias and manipulation and make the best decision揭露偏见和人为操纵等隐藏问题从而做出明智的选择
    bias n. 偏见; 偏爱,爱好; 倾向; 斜纹; (让我想起了prejudice~)
    manipulation v. 操作; 操纵; 控制
    1. a person who uses critical thinking subjects all available options to scrutiny and skepticism. 使用批判性思考的人会以审视 怀疑的态度推敲所有可能性
    skepticism(怀疑态度,怀疑论; 多疑癖) scrutiny n. 细看,细阅; 仔细的观察; 监督
    2. here’s one 5 step process that may help you solve any number of problems这里的五步法 或许可以帮你解决绝大多数的问题
    这里的any number of和a number of差不多,都是许多的意思
    1. This isn't always as straightforward as it sounds.这有时并不像听起来那样直截了当. 我觉得这个句话挺好的,比如当人家说了一句带双关或者俚语而你听不大懂时,就可以对ta说这句话。
    2. For example, if you’re deciding whether to try out the newest diet craze your reasons for doing so may be obscured by other factors.
    obscure 动词意思是 使…模糊不清; 隐藏; 使难理解;
    3. But, if you approach the situation with a clear view of what you’re actually trying to accomplish by dieting...
    a view of 意思是……的景色/美景(也有可能是观点,需要结合具体语境), 这里在中间加了clear,意思是明确的观点
    4. equip you to sift(筛分; 精选) through this information critically, find what you’re looking for
    equip sb to do sth 使某人准备好做某事
    1. you may ask an expert for their advice, or seek other people’s testimonies(证词; 证明,证据). 你可能会向专家咨询意见或寻找过来人的经验
    2. moving you closer to a decision that meets your goal. 使你做出符合目标的决定。“实现目标”是否可以用meet sb's goal替代一下achieve sb's goal呢~
    1. At first glance, that seems great. But what about the long-term environmental effects?
    这里有两个表达值得学习,一是句首的At first glance,意思是一看就,初看,乍看起来,在表达第一印象和后续表现差距时就可以用上这个表达。
    第二个比较简单,the long-term effects,长期效应,可以插入形容词
    1. Ask yourself why so many people are drawn to the policies of the opposing political candidate. 比如,问问自己为什么那么多其他人选择另一个参选人的政策呢?
    be drawn to 被……吸引
    例句: How can a refined girl be drawn to such an unrefined man? 一个优雅的女孩怎么会被一个粗俗的男人所吸引呢 ?
    2. exploring the full spectrum(光谱; 波谱; 范围; 系列) of viewpoints might explain why some policies that don’t seem valid to you appeal to others. This will allow you to explore alternatives(替代的; 备选的; 其他的;,) evaluate your own choices and ultimately(最后,最终; 基本 )help you make more informed decisions. This five-step process is just one tool, and it certainly won’t eradicate(摧毁; 完全根除;) difficult decisions from our lives


    1970-01-01   5赞       0踩       1123浏览 评论(2)
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