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    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》


    ☘1. This is BBC World News. I'm Stephen Sackur. And these are the headlines.

    ☘2. The US swimmer James Feigen is to pay 11,000 dollars to a Brazilian charity to settle a robbery dispute.

    ☘3. Earlier the US Olympic committee apologized to what had turned to unacceptable behavior of four US swimmers who falsely their claimed they were robbed at gunpoint in Rio.

    ☘4. A short time ago, two more of the four US Olympic swimmers who alleged they're been robbed have returned to Miami. Here they are.

    ☘5. Jamaica's Usain Bolt has won the men's has 200 meters Olympics in Rio to remain on course to complete the historic triple triple of sprinting goals.

    ☘6. The Hollywood actress Amber Heard is to give all the money she received in a divorce settlement from Johnny Depp to charity.

    ☘7. She said millions will go to a group with a particular focus on stopping violence against women.

    ☘8. And those are the headlines here on BBC World News.



    后来发现第一,自己的确没有那么多时间,第二,大姐根本就不看,第三,想要长期做节目不光要时间还要自己足够的不间断的努力,才能不负初心,第四,现在更新BBC 就有一种家里孩子嗷嗷待哺的感觉,好.........神奇


    1970-01-01   53赞       10踩       15540浏览 评论(8)
女 资深配角lv32


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