• 王毅Michael     Gaga 乌拉拉

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    毅说晨读 day205



    超级碗中场,看到GaGa的演出,是否又勾起几年前的回忆呢,至少听到Poker Face和 Bad Romance 的时候,能想到自己当时刚刚工作时候的各种画面,那么今天的晨读就和大家分享下 Gaga这个名字的由来吧

    The artist gleaned the name from the famous Queen song Radia Gaga, but the word gaga entered the English lexicon in the early 1900s as a term for ‘crazy’ or 'silly'

    Lady Gaga的名字源于皇后乐队著名的歌曲 《 Radio Gaga》,‘Gaga’一词是1900年进入英语,意为'疯狂的'‘愚蠢的’

    Though its origin is unknown, it may come from the French imitative gaga meaning 'senile'or 'foolish'


    Today the word is most commonly used in the sense of deep infatuation , where going gaga for somthing is the same thing as 'mooning over 'it

    如今这个词多用来形容极度迷恋某事,going gaga 就是对某事很痴迷

    I can't understand how anyone could be so gaga over that game.

    The teenagers are going gaga for TF boys nowadays.
    现在很多的青少年都非常痴迷TF boys

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    1970-01-01   43赞       2踩       434浏览 评论(9)
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