• THG•昔夏未央     【浪味仙生日特辑】ep43# 《Song For You》

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》


    我最最最亲爱的仙仙,生 日 快 乐!!

    送给你一首超级有灵气的歌~和你的气质超级搭 <3 是非常漂亮非常精巧的小仙女啊~希望晚上可以听着它做个甜甜的好梦~我把我的小西瓜瓤借你一晚上www 新的一岁也会在我的陪伴下变得越来越顺顺当当幸福美满的: D !

    就像歌词所说的,无论伤心还是迷路,I'm always at your door.


    If you’re feeling lost
    When you run across
    Can’t you see I’m always there for you
    Sincere and true

    If you feel the rain
    All day long again
    I will go and chase the sun for you
    Chase the sun for you

    If you’re feeling blue
    There’s something I can do
    Sending butterflies and rainbows
    They come they go

    If there’s in the air
    (a) song that we used to share
    It will keep me smiling down the road
    Down my fading road

    Sweet is my lullaby
    Cold is the night
    Wild is this crazy dream
    Floating like a fallen, broken star

    Come, come along
    I will dry your tears
    Now in your eyes, there’s a hope for me
    Sing, sing along
    Come closer to me
    Now in your voice, I hear the sea

    I’m at your door
    You are the one I adore
    You know I wait at your door

    晚安 :)。

    1970-01-01   117赞       0踩       3859浏览 评论(104)
女 戏骨lv62


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