• HoverFang     美音的我学了几个月rp,来展示下成果,有兴趣的大家一起交流下

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》

    A drive of a couple of miles through narrow country lanes brought us to a park gate, which was opened for us by an old lodge-keeper, whose haggard face bore the reflection of some great disaster. The youthful figure and alert, eager face of Inspector Stanley Hopkins confronted us in the open doorway.

    "I'm very glad you have come, Mr. Holmes. And you too, Dr. Watson! You remember that Lewisham gang of three burglars? It's their work. I have not a doubt of it."


    福尔摩斯先生,你来了,我很高兴,还有你,华生医生。 你还记得路易·山姆那帮盗贼吗?毫无疑问,就是他们三个干的。”


    1970-01-01   9赞       0踩       1098浏览 评论(6)
男 中级龙套lv10


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